Honey + Cinnamon = Weight Loss


As I read on callmejagi’s blog, this entry, there’s a way to lose some pounds.

Here’s the recipe:

  1. Use honey and cinnamon, 1 cinnamon and 2 honey.
  2. Put the cinnamon on a cup, don’t put the honey yet.
  3. Boil a cup of water and pour it on your cup of cinnamon, leave to steep for about 30 minutes.
  4. After the liquid’s cooled, add the honey. Never add honey to a hot liquid because it will destroy the enzymes in the raw honey.
  5. Drink half of the cup before you sleep, cover and refrigerate
  6. Drink the rest in the next morning, on empty stomach.
  7. Do not add anything to the recipe.

Additional information:

  1. Inches will be lost before you will notice the scale creeping downward.
  2. The cinnamon and honey cleanses parasites, fungus and bacteria out of the digestive tract.
  3. You may experience side effects due to the release of toxicity.
  4. You may experience increased energy, better sex drive and a better mood.
  5. The formula will block your body from gaining fat.

Credit: Here

I don’t know if this will work, but I know how to lose some pounds my way:

  1. Stop being a carnivore (well, most likely will never happen).
  2. Daily exercise
  3. Eat vegetables (I only eat carrot, broccoli and cabbage for my vegetable)
  4. Take a book and go to the toilet, have a nice time! (by doing this I can lose 2 pounds LoL seriously)



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