Welcoming 2021


All of us went through 2020 pretty well, we’re still alive and well, yes?

Some of my friends got layoff in 2020 due to this pandemic, their company can’t pay for more staffs. While some got their salary deducted. As for me, things were quite well for me. I still have my job, with full salary. I can work from home, and feel more safe.

Ha! As if.

So the last week of 2020 I went to a clinic to do swab test. Guess what? The result came out : positive. I kind of expected that actually, because that day I lost my ability to smell about 80%, I can smell some things but not the soft scents. To make sure, I did PCR Swab. The result came the next day around 3AM. Yep, positive.

See the two lines? Even if it’s faint, it’s still considered detected.

Chill, I didn’t feel like the shortness of breath, loss appetite, loss the ability to taste, fever, or any other. Just can’t smell soft scents. I still can smell my coffee tho? Perhaps because I already got the flu like days before.

I thought it’s just normal flu. If I hadn’t lose the ability to smell, I wouldn’t know.

I thought it’s kinda unfair… I wore mask every day every time, when outside home, and not eating nor drinking. I didn’t hang out, just out to get dinner (just twice a month, maximum). And yet I still catch the virus 😦 meanwhile those people out there who don’t even follow the protocol, they’re alive and well, without the virus.

But again, I feel grateful. Catching the virus around this time when people are already aware of the virus and how to deal with it. Imagine catching it when people are not even ready and aware about it. Must be harder and more frustating. And I’m grateful for my circle. They’re so helpful and positive thinking. They made me laugh and stay positive to be negative (do you get it?). Some sent me vitamins, fruits, lots of foods, even when they’re miles away. I have this neighbour right beside me, they send (yes, they still) us food for lunch everyday!

So, after 2 weeks of self isolation, I went to do PCR swab again. The result came out soooo late. My first swab that’s positive came out like 12 hours after I did the test. I did the test at 3PM, the result came out at 3AM the next day. But this one, I did the test at 2AM, and the result came out at 2AM.

Thank all Gods, it’s negative!

But I still have to self isolate for 2 more weeks until I can go out to walk my dog, poor Draco can’t even take his walk for a month 😦

I will post about what to do during self isolation and to cure it (my way) on the next post, because I want it to be in a single post.

What I wish for this 2021 is for us all to survive this covid-19 pandemic and live a better life than before. I don’t really have resolution, really.


Kimchi Pancake (Kimchi Jeon)


So, today I’m going to share kimchi pancake recipe that I made to drink with.

I’ve watched people in drama eating this pancake with chopstick only. Slicing this into pieces with chopstick as well. But my chopstick skill is kind of rusty so… I simply use scissors 😂

Disclaimer : Drink moderately and responsibly!

Yep, I was watching Mystic Pop Up Bar Drama. I, too, have a dream to open a small bar like that for people to eat and drink 🙂

Without further due, here’s the recipe:

  • 4 tbs cabbage kimchi
  • 2 tbs kimchi water
  • 1 green onion, slice thinly
  • 1/2 onion, slice thinly … or dice if your eyes are strong enough to handle all the tears 😥
  • 4 tbs all purpose flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 tbs water

How to cook:

  • Chop the kimchi into the size you like, put it in a mixing bowl. Oh don’t forget the kimchi water as well.
  • Into the mixing bowl, add green onion, onion, all purpose flour, salt, and water.
  • Mix all.
  • Heat the pan with oil. Put the batter in, and cook it for 7 minutes on medium heat, or until the bottom is crispy enough. Flip it and cook it another 7 minutes.
  • Serve it.

That’s it. If you have tried another recipe, please share with me so I can improve 🙂


Banana Cake


I can’t be the only one who drink while eating something, yes? When I drink tea or coffee I like to have cake or mini sandwich. When I drink alcoholic drinks, I like to have something savoury. So usually I cook before I drink.

I was going to share savoury food first, but then today I wasn’t having alcoholic drink since it’s weekday and I still have to work -_- So today I baked a cake. Banana cake!

If you like it wet, wait it sounds wrong. If you like moist cake, this might be for you 😉

I usually add nuts and raisins, but I can’t find them anywhere in my house. So this time I only add cheese and walnut 😄